MOVE - Market Oriented Value Chains for Jobs and Growth in the ECOWAS region improves income and employment prospects in the ECOWAS region along market-oriented and resilient value chains (rice and cashew).
Our MOVE umbrella
With global and regional demand constantly rising, cashew and rice production and processing offer important potential for training, employment, and wealth creation. This can be achieved through private sector development, can help to mitigate climate change, and bring economic empowerment to women and youth. Under the umbrella of MOVE your can find CARI - Competitive African Rice Initiative, EU Reach - Resilience against Climate change and ComCashew - Competitive Cashew Initiative.
Competitive African Rice Initiative
The Competitive African Rice Initiative (CARI) was launched in 2013. We, at CARI, support small-scale climate-friendly rice production, and advocate for cooperation on equal terms, between our target groups and the private sector.
Resilience Against Climate Change
The REACH Project on adaptation and mitigation to climate change for the local population in North West Ghana has been developed to contribute to the development of rural communities and stable land management in the face of climate change, by promoting climate resilient practices.
Competitive Cashew Initiative
ComCashew constitutes a new era of multi-stakeholder partnership aiming to achieve a sustainable poverty reduction in the project countries Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone, by enhancing the competitiveness of African cashew smallholders, processors and other actors in the value chain.
Our approach
Increasing the value creation of processing in the ECOWAS region through strengthened private sector engagement.
Improve the economic and environmental sustainability of agricultural systems using good agricultural practices (GAP) and Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) for climate-resilient, resource-conserving agriculture and carbon sequestration.
Increasing local consumption of rice and cashew products through marketing initiatives and by-products.
Disseminating good practices in promoting inclusive business models by integrating gender transformative approaches (GTA) and information technology (IT) capabilities.
Strengthening public-private cooperation in policymaking to reduce regional trade barriers and to support social transformation, like ECOWAS Rice Observatory (ERO), the Consultative International Cashew Council (CICC), African Cashew Alliance (ACA).

Enhancing Ghana’s Rice Value Chain through Contract Farming
Contract Farming
The sessions were designed with adult learning methods, combining theoretical concepts with hands-on exercises to ensure an engaging and impactful learning experience.
Read more … Enhancing Ghana’s Rice Value Chain through Contract Farming

Promoting Cashew Agribusiness Through Online Learning: Introducing e-MOVE
Empowering the Cashew Sector Through Online Learning
The global cashew sector is rapidly evolving, and the demand for skilled professionals has never been greater. In response, the Market-Oriented Value Chains for Jobs and Growth in the ECOWAS Region (MOVE-ComCashew) project has launched an online learning academy aimed at building the capacity of stakeholders across the cashew value chain.
Read more … Promoting Cashew Agribusiness Through Online Learning: Introducing e-MOVE

Call For Applications - Rice Master Training Programme (RMTP)
Edition 1
The RMTP is a comprehensive three (3) week training program aimed at enhancing both technical and managerial skills in the rice value chain. The training will cover a period of 7 months where participants would be in 3 separate sessions.
Read more … Call For Applications - Rice Master Training Programme (RMTP)

Enhancing Cashew Productions with Specialized Technical Training Programs
From October 7th to 10th, 2024, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria became a hub of agricultural innovation and learning during the 2nd Cashew Technical Training on Production. This transformative four-day program, organized by GIZ/MOVE-ComCashew in collaboration with the Osun State Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), aimed to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge to revolutionize cashew production.
Read more … Enhancing Cashew Productions with Specialized Technical Training Programs

Enhancing the Environmental and Economic Resiliency of Agricultural Production Systems through the adoption of Conservation Agriculture and Agroforestry practices in Ghana
Agriculture plays a key role in providing food, creating jobs and improving rural lives. However, climate change is making farming harder worldwide due to rising temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, extreme weather (like heatwaves, floods and droughts), and an increase in pests and diseases. At the same time, the growing population means we need more food, which puts pressure on farmers, especially in regions like Sub-Saharan Africa.

GIZ/MOVE-ComCashew participates in the 18th ACA annual cashew conference & Expo- Highlights from the 18th ACA Annual Cashew Conference in Cotonou, Benin
The 18th Annual Cashew Conference & Expo, organized by the African Cashew Alliance (ACA), commenced on September 17th in Cotonou, Benin, under the theme "Building Capacities for a Sustainable African Cashew Industry." The opening ceremony, attended by over 450 participants from about 25 countries, was officially inaugurated by Madam Alimatou Shadiya Assouman, Benin’s Minister of Industry and Trade. Distinguished speakers included Honorable Babatola Maseru, President of ACA, and Mrs Beate Weiskopf, Project Leader of GIZ/MOVE-ComCashew, who emphasized the importance of strengthening African cashew processing, creating transparent and sustainable value chains, and harmonizing policies across the region.
Following the opening, ....